Releasing Cluster API Provider for CloudStack


  1. Please install the following tools :

  2. Set up and log in to gcloud by running gcloud init

    In order to publish any artifact, you need to be a member of the k8s-infra-staging-capi-cloudstack group

Creating only the docker container

If you would just like to build only the docker container and upload it rather than creating a release, you can run the following command :

REGISTRY=<your custom registry> IMAGE_NAME=<your custom image name> TAG=<your custom tag> make docker-build

It defaults to

Creating a new release

Run the following command to create the new release artifacts as well as publish them to the upstream repository :

RELEASE_TAG=<your custom tag> make release-staging

Create the necessary release in GitHub along with the following artifacts ( found in the out directory after running the previous command )

  • metadata.yaml
  • infrastructure-components.yaml
  • cluster-template*.yaml