Developer Guide

Initial setup for development environment


Please install the following tools :

  1. go
    • Get the latest patch version for go v1.17.
  2. kind
    • GO111MODULE="on" go get
  3. kustomize
  4. envsubst
  5. make

Get the source

Fork the cluster-api-provider-cloudstack repo:

cd "$(go env GOPATH)"/src
git clone<GITHUB USERNAME>/cluster-api-provider-cloudstack.git
cd cluster-api-provider-cloudstack
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream

Setup the CloudStack Environment

  1. Set up Apache CloudStack credentials

    • Create a file named cloud-config in the repo’s root directory, substituting in your own environment’s values

      api-url = <cloudstackApiUrl>
      api-key = <cloudstackApiKey>
      secret-key = <cloudstackSecretKey>
    • Run the following command to save the above Apache CloudStack connection info into an environment variable, to be used by clusterctl, where it gets passed to CAPC:

      export CLOUDSTACK_B64ENCODED_SECRET=$(base64 -w0 -i cloud-config)
  2. Register the capi-compatible templates in your Apache CloudStack installation.

Running local management cluster for development

Before the next steps, make sure initial setup for development environment steps are complete.

There are two ways to build Apache CloudStack manager from local cluster-api-provider-cloudstack source and run it in local kind cluster:

Option 1: Setting up Development Environment with Tilt

Tilt is a tool for quickly building, pushing, and reloading Docker containers as part of a Kubernetes deployment. Many of the Cluster API engineers use it for quick iteration. Please see our Tilt instructions to get started.

Option 2: The Old-fashioned way

Running cluster-api and cluster-api-provider-cloudstack controllers in a kind cluster:

  1. Create a local kind cluster
    • kind create cluster
  2. Install core cluster-api controllers (the version must match the cluster-api version in go.mod)
    • clusterctl init
  3. Release manifests under ./out directory
    • RELEASE_TAG="e2e" make release-manifests
  4. Apply the manifests
    • kubectl apply -f ./out/infrastructure.yaml